Psychology Today

This is one of my favorite websites for mental health. I especially love the provider database that you can search.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

NAMI has wonderful support groups and educational classes across the United States.

BP Hope Magazine

This is my favorite magazine/website for its personal stories, recovery tips and research updates on bipolar disorder. My story and This Is My Brave were featured in the magazine.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

AFSP is a volunteer organization that provides hope to those affected by suicide and suicide loss through advocacy, education and funding scientific research.

Active Minds

Active Minds is at the forefront of mental health awareness and suicide prevention on college and high school campuses.

Depression Bipolar Support Alliance

DBSA was one of the first places my parents and I turned when I was diagnosed with bipolar and it led me to my first support group. Groups are held in-person and online.

Mental Health America

MHA has a great tool on their website where individuals can take a mental health screening quiz.

International Bipolar Foundation

The IBF provides information and education about bipolar disorder, as well as support for loved ones caring for those with bipolar.

The TREVOR Project

The TREVOR Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ+ young people.

The JED Foundation

JED partners with high schools, districts, and colleges to strengthen their mental health, substance misuse, and suicide prevention programs and systems.